
Planning & Conservation

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Planning White Paper

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2-8 Rutland Gate


Princes Court, 88 Brompton Road, London SW3 1ER (Appeal - Reference 20/00139/TREF). Received 22/01/2021


13 - 17 Montpelier Street London SW7 1HQ. Planning reference: 20/07400/FULL Alternative reference: PP-09219817. Use of first and second floor level as two new self-contained residential flats (use Class C3); replacement of roof lanterns and creation of new private outdoor terrace at rear first floor level; elevational and external alterations including fenestration changes including opening up blind windows to Montpelier Place, new retractable awnings, lowering of front basement vaults, replacement of extract ductwork to rear, replacement and installation of new air condenser units upon rear flat roof and at main roof level and removal of existing air condensers on southern elevation. Linked to 20/07401/LBC. [Revised description].


20-22 Brompton Road (Criterion) - Change from retail (A1 use) to use of basement and ground floors as restaurant (Class A3 use) (20/01915/FULL). Received 16/3/2020.


South Kensington Underground Station; 20-48 (even) and 36-46 (odd) Thurloe Street; 1-9 (odd) Pelham Street; 20-34 Thurloe Square, LONDON (PP/20/03216). Received: 03/07/2020.


South Kensington Underground Station; 20-48 (even) and 36-46 (odd) Thurloe Street; 1-9 (odd) Pelham Street; 20-34 Thurloe Square, LONDON (LB/20/03217).
Received: 03/07/2020.


Holy Trinity Church, Brompton Road, LONDON, SW7 2RW (PP/20/06987). Received: 10/12/2020


Full planning details for some initial works for the 714 seat restaurant at the old Burberry House

Licensing applications (LICPR) and Tables & Chairs (TBLCH) 

NB This is a summary of the applications advertised in the Licensing News editions issued by the City of Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea that, in view of the Knightsbridge Association, may have an impact on local residents. It is not a complete list of applications made.

Local Authority




Case Reference: TBLCH/21/285669
Date Received: 02/07/21
Last Objection Date: 09/07/2021
Trading Name: Chapati & Karak, 11 Brompton Road, London SW3 1HY
Application Details: Placement of 6 tables, 12 chairs. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Sunday
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: TBLCH /12/112619
Date Received: 27/06/2021
Last Objection Date: 28/07/2021
Trading Name: Quatre Saisons
Trading Address: 1A Exhibition Road, London SW7 2HE
Application Details: Placement of 4 tables and 11 chairs, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: TBLCH /21/285002
Date Received: 24/06/21
Last Objection Date: 01/07/21
Trading Name: Crazy Pizza
Trading Address: 32 Hans Crescent, London SW1X 0LZ
Application Details: Placement of 4tables, 8 chairs, 2 Umberellas, 4 Planters, Monday to Sunday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: TBLCH /21/283731
Date Received: 08/06/21
Last Objection Date: 15/06/21
Trading Name: ELAN
Trading Address: 239 Brompton Road, London SW3 2EP
Application Details: Placement of 3 tables, 8 chairs, Monday to Sunday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: TBLCH /21/271857
Date Received: 07/06/21
Last Objection Date: 07/07/21
Trading Name: Myrtle & Sanne Ltd
Trading Address: Brompton Chambers, 215 Brompton Road, London SW3 2EJ
Application Details: Renewal placement of 3 tables, 6 chairs, Monday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: LICPR/05/910358
Date Received: 02/06/21
Last Objection Date: 16/06/21
Trading Name: Harrods Ltd
Trading Address: 87-135, Brompton Road, London SW1X 7XL
Application Details: Alterations to 2nd & 4th floors - (2nd floor was a cafe, will be a restaurant, 4th floor was a mezzah lounge, now becomes a restaurant) 
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: TBLCH /21/282558
Date Received: 24/05/21
Last Objection Date: 31/05/21
Trading Name: Venchi
Trading Address: 13 Exhibition Road, London SW7 2HE
Application Details: Placement of 1 table, 2 chairs, Monday to Sunday 10.30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: TBLCH /21/
Date Received: 
Last Objection Date: 
Trading Name: 
Trading Address: London 
Application Details: Placement of tables, chairs, Monday to Sunday 
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: TBLCH /21/281751
Date Received: 12/05/2021
Last Objection Date: 19/05/2021
Trading Name: Elan Cafe
Trading Address: 42 Hans Crescent, London SW1X 0LZ
Application Details: Placement of 12 tables, 24 chairs, 6 heaters, 4 Umbrellas, 12 planters, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Sunday 
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: TBLCH/21/281752
Date Received: 12/05/21
Last Objection Date: 19/05/2021
Trading Name: Feya
Trading Address: 146 Brompton Road, London SW3 1HX
Application Details: Placement of 6 tables, 16 chairs between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. Monday to Sunday 
Decision: AWAITED

Case Reference: TBLCH/21/280951
Date Received: 30/04/21
Last Objection Date: 07/05/21
Trading Name: Caffe Nero
Trading Address: 66 Old Brompton Road
Application Details: Placement of 2 tables, 4 chairs between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday to Sunday 

Case Reference: TBLCH/21/280058
Date Received: 19/04/21
Last Objection Date: 26/04/21
Trading Name: Aubaine
Trading Address: 262 Brompton Road
Application Details: Placement of 4 tables, 8 chairs, 1 Decking and 1 umbrella between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m, Monday to Sunday 

Case Reference: LICPR/21/280213
Date Received: 19/04/21
Last Objection Date: 07/05/21
Trading Name: Fernandez & Wells
Trading Address: 8 Exhibition Road
Application Details: 

Case Reference: TBLCH /21/279852
Date Received: 15/04/21
Last Objection Date: 22/04/21
Trading Name: Crazy PIzza
Trading Address: 32 Hans Crescent
Application Details: Placement of 12 tables, 24 chairs, 4 umbrellas, 6 heaters between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m., Monday to Sunday 

Case Reference: TBLCH/21/279620
Date Received: 12/04/21
Last Objection Date: 19/04/21
Trading Name: Elan Cafe
Trading Address: 42 Hans Crescent
Application Details: Placement of 4 tables, 8 chairs between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., Monday to Sunday 

Case Reference: TBLCH/21/279660
Date Received: 13/04/21
Last Objection Date: 20/04/21
Trading Name: Elan Cafe
Trading Address: 42 Hans Cafe
Application Details: Placement of 23 tables, 46 chairs, 10 umbrellas, 10 heaters and 22 planters between 10.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m. Monday to Sunday

Case Reference: TBLCH/21/278505
Date Received: 26/03/21
Last Objection Date: 02/04/21
Trading Name: Elan 
Trading Address: 239 Brompton Road
Application Details: Placement of 2 tables and 4 chairs 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m. Monday to Sunday

Case Reference: LICPR/05/910358
Date Received: 18/03/21
Last Objection Date: 15/04/21
Trading Name: Harrods
Trading Address: Brompton Road
Application Details: Ground Floor  Layout change in the Chocolate Hall. Fourth Floor  Relabelling of the 'Georgian Restaurant' to 'Tea Rooms'  relabelling the outside terrace currently labelled as 'Mezzah Lounge' to 'Terrace'. Removal of patisserie counter in 'Tea Rooms' 2 x partitions added between the 'Tea Rooms' and the 'Mezzah Lounge'. Fifth Floor  Changes to layout in non-licensed area of 'New Hair and Beauty' section.

Case Reference: TBLCH/21/277915
Date Received: 18/03/21
Last Objections Date: 25/03/21
Trading Name: Caffe Concerto
Trading Address: 150/152 Brompton Road
Application Details: Placement of 19 tables and 38 chairs 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Monday to Sunday

Case Reference: TBLCH/21/276087
Date Received: 23/02/21
Last Objections Date: 02/03/21
Trading Name: Elan
Trading Address: 239 Brompton Road
Application Details: Placement of 2 tables and 4 chairs 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Monday to Sunday

Case Reference: TBLCH/21/276153
Date Received: 24/02/21
Last Objections Date:03/03/21
Trading Name: Kensington Creperie
Trading Address: 2-6 Exhibition Road
Application Details: Placemement of 20 tables and 40 chairs 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Monday to Sunday

Case Reference:
Date Received:
Last Objections Date:
Trading Name:
Trading Address:
Application Details:

Case Reference: LICPR/21/274966
Date Received: 03/02/2021
Last Objection Date: 03/03/2021
Trading Name: Caprice Holdings Limited
Trading Address: 272 Brompton Road, LONDON, SW3 2AW
Application Details: Grant of a Premises Licence consisting of the ground floor of  270 / 272A Brompton Road and Basement areas from 270 / 280 Brompton Road. Playing of recorded music indoors.

Hours: Monday  Saturday: 08:00 - 24:00, Sunday: 08:00 - 23:30 
Provision of late night refreshment indoor: Monday  Saturday: 23:00 - 24:00, Sunday: 23:00 - 23:30 
Sale of alcohol both on and off the premises:
Monday  Saturday: 08:00 - 23:30 , Sunday: 08:00  - 23:00
Hours open to the public: Monday  Saturday: 08:00 - 24:00, Sunday: 08:00 - 23:30
Non standard timings for ALL the above. From the end of permitted hours on New Year's Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year's Day.
Status: Approved with modified conditions

Case Reference: LICPR/21/274767
Date Received: 01/02/2021
Last Objection Date: 01/03/2021
Trading Name: Madhu's 2 Go
Trading Address: 109-125 Knightsbridge, LONDON, SW1X 7RJ
Application Details: Grant of a Premises Licence for a 5th floor restaurant to permit the sale of alcohol, on and off the premises.
Monday to Sunday: 11:00 - 23:00 
Hours open to the public: 
Monday to Sunday: 11:00 - 23:00
Status: Granted in Full

Case Reference: LICPR/05/916519
Date Received: 26/01/2021
Last Objection Date: 09/02/2021
Trading Name: Crazy Pizza
Trading Address: 32 Hans Crescent, LONDON, SW1X 0LZ
Application Details: Minor Variation to vary of the premises in accordance with plans submitted. Changes
include: reconfiguration of bar counter and Inclusion of rear kitchen and basement backofhouse. No other changes sought.
Status: Granted in full

Consultation Report


Case Reference: TBLCH/20/271887
Date Received: 09/12/2020
Last Objection Date: 13/01/2021
Trading Name: My & Sanne (Formerly Patisserie Valerie)
Trading Address: Brompton Chambers, 215 Brompton Road, LONDON, SW3 2EJ
Application Details: Placement of three tables, six chairs and two planters on the Brompton Road frontage between 8am and 6pm on Mondays to Fridays ONLY.
Decision: Rejected


Case Reference: TBLCH/20/271968
Date Received: 10/12/2020
Last Objection Date: 17/12/2020
Trading Name: Brown and Rosie
Trading Address: 10-12 Exhibition Road, LONDON
Application Details: Pavement Licence - Use of the furniture by the licence holder to sell or serve food or drink supplied from or in connection with relevant use of the premises. Monday - Sunday, Opening Time  08:00 Closing Time  22:00
Decision: Granted


Case Reference: TBLCH/20/271742
Date Received: 07/12/2020
Last Objection Date: 14/12/2020
Trading Name: Elan Cafe
Trading Address: 42 Hans Crescent, LONDON, SW1X 0LZ
Application Details: Tables and Chairs Pavement Licence. Both (a) Use of the furniture by the licence holder to sell or serve food or drink supplied from or in connection with relevant use of the premises and (b) Use of the furniture by other persons for the purpose of consuming food or drink supplied from or in connection with use of the premises. Opening Time 10:00 Closing Time  22:00
Decision: Granted


Case Reference: TBLCH/20/271947
Date Received: 10/12/2020
Last Objection Date: 17/12/2020
Trading Name: Fernandez & Wells
Trading Address: 8 Exhibition Road, LONDON
Application Details: Tables and Chairs Pavement Licence. Use of the furniture by other persons for the purpose of consuming food or drink supplied from or in connection with relevant use of the premises. Opening Time:  09:00, Closing Time  20:00
Decision: Presumed withdrawn


Consultation Report



Consultation Report


Consultation Report

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