About Us

Chairman's Welcome

Welcome to The Knightsbridge Association. As one of London’s pre-eminent residents’ associations, we have been the guardians of the charm and character of this special corner of our capital for over half a century. Run as a voluntary organisation, funded by membership dues, the KA seeks to protect and enhance the amenity of the neighbourhood that we are fortunate enough to be able to call home. Knightsbridge has many connotations, depending on whom you ask.

The earliest reference to the area can be found in the year 1050, when the main highway from the west into London was said to cross the waters of the Westbourne (now buried underground) at “Cnihtebricge”. A little later, in 1141, citizens of London are said to have met Empress Matilda of England at Knight’s Bridge. Almost a thousand years on, the area is famous worldwide as an exclusive shopping district as well as being home to countless five-star hotels, embassies and cultural institutions.

What is perhaps less well known is that this global destination is also a local neighbourhood. Estate agents never tire of calling Knightsbridge “a village”; and in spite of the current vogue for trophy houses being used by absentee owners as stores of value rather than homes, there continues to be a solid sense of community among residents who have lived and worked here for many years, often over several generations. They are our members and it is our responsibility and our privilege to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy Knightsbridge as we all have been able to.

Melville Haggard – Chairman chairman@knightsbridgeassociation.com

Executive Committee

Melville Haggard, Chairman

The Executive Committee includes the Chairs of the Association’s sub-committees covering Planning & Conservation, Licensing, Law & Order and Transport & Environment and other co-opted members. It meets four times a year and is the primary decision making body within the Association.

Annual Reports

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